If you are looking
This is my nothing place
Safe from the pain
Safe from feeling
I have a corner here, lonely
I can turn my face from God
And grieve alone
Refusing the comfort
That I do not deserve
Untouchable to the world
That others inhabit
Bearing invisible marks
That circle my heart like
Barbed wire
Sometimes you can find me here
Wrapped in an untamed love
Too much to bear
Too much to witness
Spiraling and rampaging
Uncomfortably numb
Absent then weeping
When no one is looking
Of eyes prying
And words too fallow
I smile at you vacantly
But you only see the curves
Of my lips
And not the dullness in my eyes
Sometimes you can find me here
Haunting the edges of your happy
You taught me too well
That love is never enough
Yet, that is what I long for
Out here
In the dark, In the cold
I spend time going through
All the motions of life
I eat, breathe, talk, pray
I cannot feel the emotions of life
In my corner
Even though suspicious and wary
I tried to leave this place
Place my faith in what I read
To give is to receive
Love and be loved
Never too late to follow the commandments
And yet, I was forsaken
Only to return
Sometimes you can find me here
Huddling on the edge
Arms wrapped tight across my chest
In a vow of self protection
I weave callousness from the inside
Avoiding the light and the rain
Most days
And then
I awake to a day dawning pretty
Every once in a while
I have to fight the impulse to call you
Although I know you
Can’t be bothered to answer
I try or I cry
Both the same
In the end
Sometimes you can find me here
Even though I gave you
All that I had
You don’t bother to look for me
So my numbness gives way
To an encasing darkness
A forever feeling that
I cannot
And don’t deserve to be loved
You can always find me here
Heartbroken and watching life
Go on around me
From the margins
© Navypoet