Wraps around your heart like a front porch
Cool in the evening just perfect for settin
And rocking in wide chairs, so your feet
Can be tucked up under you, and a skirt
Riding high on your thighs, cause it’s hot
Drinking Iced tea and water and maybe
A cool bowl of summer fruit cut up and
Eaten with your fingers, plain and simple
Easy to handle, easy to eat, easy to feel
The love swaying on the light breeze
Leaving the outside when the night has
Grown as black as your skin kissed by the sun
Loving your hand in mine in, an invitation
To join you on top of the covers for quiet
Talk about the day, work, life, plans
Stretched out beside you, long legs over
Mine, head on your chest, hand feeling
Each individual beat of your heart
Love frees another star in the sky
From the clear blanket of darkness
It is the moon dancing and the slow sound of
Insects in the grass, the wind chimes in the breeze
Love smoothes out my words and my kinks
Fresh cotton, fluffy pillows, and the ceiling fan
The promise that you will be here in the morning.