Friday, December 31, 2010
Lady Blue


The weight of the world
Straddles my dreams
And pins down my shoulders
Until I can’t breathe
My pulse is shallowly drawing
Stars behind my eyelids
Until I want to scream
And each night I am afraid
That only my heart will hear
To heed my command
For to pause before waking
May be my last thought
So I continue to struggle
With the pressure of your leaving
Amazed that pain feels the same
Whether asleep or awake
Yesterday or tomorrow
Until I want to box my ears
To keep from hearing your voice
Scrub my hands
Til they no longer feel your skin
And slap the taste of you
Out of my own mouth
Will my soul then be calmed enough
So that I can sleep without
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Herald times
When I waited
At the edge of shore
For your hands to find me
I shall always welcome you
And anticipate your return
You give me the able confidence
As the women who know satisfaction
Resonating the smile of fulfillment
Fueling my linguistic libido
Words to incite and verbs to taste
Open your arms and let me
Pour myself into you
Every drop splashes
Running over
You to
Poet (slammed)

I listen to your words
Angry, sullen and revolutionary words
You want change
You want it now
I hear your words
You scream at the injustice
Of your childhood
Absent father
Drug addicted sister
And you had to eat free lunch at school
I taste your words
Bitter and hungry at the same time
You wound the ear
In tirades
Leaving a trail
Of vowels
Not ink
For that last too long
Which you are against
Form and substance
Eaten and spewed back out
I smell your words
Categorically denied
That you are also tomorrow
For tomorrow brings a new fight
A new struggle
Found deep
In your recycled bag
Of hemp and straw and lies
You rally for the latest buzz
I feel your words
Tight and hot
Quick and sharp words
Thorns on rose bushes unseen
Bleeding out the ones without knowledge
And then you leave for the next
March, next stage
In your gas guzzling SUV
Starbuck coffee in hand
A “spoken word” artist
And over your shoulder
You loudly accuse me of being
A “poet”.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Today I turned on my heat
Just a small flick of a button
And it was suddenly autumn
More than fall,
That happened when I
Turned off the air conditioning
But autumn
When a cool equinox occurs
And Saint Martin no longer smiles
In sunny warmth
Today I turned on my heat
The whispered tepidity
Stirred still green leaves
That jumped off branches
Too soon
In stead of waiting on new color
That would allow them to drift
Gently into mis-organized leaves
On the browning grass
Today I turned on my heat
The solemnity of change
Not loss on my body
My ankles need socks
They decry the cottons of summer
And long for argyles and woolens
I unpack flannels
And a bevy of long sleeve shirts
Today I turned on my heat
And the weight of a year
Fell across my shoulders
Autumn has brought me back
To the season of wearing socks to bed
And although I turned on my heat
It’s your warmth that I need
Sunday, September 26, 2010
detente dreams

Yellow crinkly edges
On once green glossy leaves
As dust on a bookshelf
The volumes contain all
The knowledge in the world
And yet who knows
Of a lover’s slip
Hanging below the torn hem
Of yesterday’s party dress
Strap slipped down
To the crook of her elbow
A day that was once known
As a good time not had
Has slipped into the night
To not be had by all
Though my longing is keen
I have never seen a hurricane
But its perfume is heavy
Threatening to crack a rainbow
Into prisms of dirty light
The very smallest of which
Can make the sun bleed
Its drops staining my tears
Unshed in my obstinacies
To believe that I have not
Been flicked off as rain
On an oft opened umbrella
And left standing, forgotten
Waiting to be touched
Moments roasted brown
In nutmeg tinged flavors
Dry and arid
On desert altars
Rocks and sand drifts
Slowly through sifting
Out wants from needs
Of adobe colored dreams
For maybe desires
Have nothing to do with
The faith of promised good
And everyone must learn
That NO is an answer too
Monday, August 30, 2010

Water caresses psalmody
Wearing the rough edges away
Smoothing weariness into the
Curves of the porcelain basin
A gurgling cacophony of clean
Blends with twilight cricketsong
Pooling into the deep recesses
At the hollow of my spine
The quality of my pleasure
Outweigh my need to rush
The sensual distillery of lavender
And the smell of your memory
At the bend of my knee
My heart stills to prayers
I am not daunted by unfinished chores
Nor am I troubled any longer
By the rush of daylight minutes
Quietness fits across my shoulders
Like a favorite afghan
Against the summer breeze
An anthem rich in coolness
And solemn in need
My absolution is committed
Into your breast
For I remain eager to see your hue
In iridescent hummingbird wings
And the azure of open seas
Miles stretch into dismissal
A solemnity of confession
Ancient is the desire for comfort
And the completion of togetherness
I would have the feast and the rest
As I enter into this night’s slumber
My soul longs to bridge the distance
And finally unite our lives
As I have committed my heart to you
I see you...etheree

You are one of me
Raised in a house of woman
Periods and mood swings
And no balance
To the tears and loves lamented
Dresses, wigs and make-up
Incognegress on the bus
Looking straight forward
Less the driver looks too long
Or looks too less
For who doesn’t want to be desired
You are one of me
Giving off that sense of indifference
Ankles crossed at the knee
And hosiery snug and trim
Just a hint of slip at the hem
Cause your momma raised you
Not to go round bare-legged
Torpedo breast ala Jane Russell
Catching the glance of married men
And the scorn of their wives
And the wishes of pubescent children
You are one of me
Waiting for the pad of a man’s thumb
To wipe tears across your cheek
To caress your face lovingly
I cannot love hard enuff
To cover my scars
And neither can you
For every new man
Picks at the edges of each one
Until you scream with the relief
Of having it ripped off, again
You are one of me
Thinking you deserve the pain
Of the women who has never
Known the luxury of
A man’s unconditional love
So we engage badly
In search of the filling
For the many wholes in our soul
Our tribe closes in on itself
And it is the rare man
That can breach our perimeter
Monday, August 9, 2010
Anticipation...clarity pyramid
Afternoons were made
By a lazy hand
Calling us to stop
Daytime chores
Evening is still
Far away
Gates and posts
Herald a waning day
Isis has passed over
Just as the wind plays with
Kites across the stream
Landing them on shores
Moonscapes pull at desires
Needs surface beckoning
Our spirits together
Please approach me
Quickly while I am
Relaxed in anticipation
Stretched languidly across the bed
Testing how muscles play
Under a sheen of sweat
Visualizing your hands across my hip
Waist spanned by your fingers
Xylophones play in the eaves
Your music of lust uniting
Zion to earth
My hands

my hands move against the wind
lines drawn across my palms
like so many days lived
in the shadow of water, wind and sun
my hands are no longer delicate
the nails broken and knuckles wide
in turn frostbitten and sunburned
my hands flutter when I speak
capturing the words I say
turning them over and over
gifting a few and holding others
for I might need some again
my hands are the last thing to sleep
after they turn out the lights
adjusting the covers and pillows
again and again
reaching and smoothing me
my hands worry me
with their constant searching
I try to busy them with poetry
but they know and I do too
that they won't be content
until they are in yours
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

1 in 5
1 in 6
6 of one
6 is half
half dozen
broken dozen
dozen ova
dozen tears
tears track
tears remind
remind me
remind you
you must not
you relive
relive auctions
relive chains
chains bind
chains mark
mark heritage
mark possession
possession of flesh
possession of child
child not mine
child torn
torn from breast
torn from sight
sight of sky
sight of blind
blind eyes
blind faith
faith in one
faith in none
none heard
none spoken
spoken not
spoken loud
loud bells
loud clamor
clamor at dawn
clamor at dusk
dusk of skin
dusk of hollow
hollow soul
hollow bones
bones broken
bones spirit
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Winding sheet
Passion from
You consecrate me
Emission of raw king
Finest of perfume
From sacred beginning
More any anointing womb
Water scented float cycles negative
Pressing near
Before eyes closed and
Cotton wrapped
Winding sheet
Sheet winding
Wrapped cotton
And closed eyes before
Near pressing
Negatives cycles float scented waters
Womb anointing any more
Beginning sacred from
Perfume of finest
King raw of emission
Me consecrate you
From passion
Wraps around your heart like a front porch
Cool in the evening just perfect for settin
And rocking in wide chairs, so your feet
Can be tucked up under you, and a skirt
Riding high on your thighs, cause it’s hot
Drinking Iced tea and water and maybe
A cool bowl of summer fruit cut up and
Eaten with your fingers, plain and simple
Easy to handle, easy to eat, easy to feel
The love swaying on the light breeze
Leaving the outside when the night has
Grown as black as your skin kissed by the sun
Loving your hand in mine in, an invitation
To join you on top of the covers for quiet
Talk about the day, work, life, plans
Stretched out beside you, long legs over
Mine, head on your chest, hand feeling
Each individual beat of your heart
Love frees another star in the sky
From the clear blanket of darkness
It is the moon dancing and the slow sound of
Insects in the grass, the wind chimes in the breeze
Love smoothes out my words and my kinks
Fresh cotton, fluffy pillows, and the ceiling fan
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Umbrella Seeds

I feel the heat on the sidewalk
Radiating up through the stone steps
Sitting there playing school
With rocks and chalk
Waiting on the fireflys to come out
And dance among the broken bottles
And rocks and us, twirling
Walking to school on broken sidewalks
Morning school, lunch
And afternoon school
Tornado drills in the hallways
And naps on mats, before recess
Sandwiches always and Jay’s potato chips
white and chocolate lunch ladies
The clock in the neighbor’s kitchen?
Felix, I think, black and white
Swish and swoosh, tick tock
Plastic on the sofa and chairs
Black and white table in the kitchen
Where juice cups sit and crackers
Mrs. Miller standing guard in the door
Back porches and stoops
Rickety stairs and closet tents
Creature Features and sneaky twins
Dark shadows and beating hearts
Rappidy rappidy beat beat, sweat
Big staring eyes in a small face
Screams! Laughter! I’m telling!
Emergency room visits
How many tasty orange candies
Did you eat little one?
These many, with palm up and open
The nurse said they only taste good with soda
And we wanted some too at first
But momma said no, just for little one
White lace and taffeta
Stretched all the way down the hall
Measuring and cutting away years
Snipping carefully so nothing is forgot
Not the slightest laugh, nor the smallest tear
Piecing together white space for
New stuff to be stitched in
Sisters, women, girls, mothers, ladies
Fancy, sassy, smart and pretty
All in one, place, space, heart, life
Four, three, two, three, one
Nothing stops the rain, but dammit
With grace and crass, meds and sun
We can sow colorful umbrellas
Sunday, June 20, 2010
My gardener, my love
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Adam's Reqium

Permission for use of original artwork granted by Treason
……… Witness the Father’s creation,
How furrowed his brow with the intensity of being
The soul human, made in the image of truth, man
Hear us Abba Father, grateful that you felt the need
To bring us into perpetuity through this one.
The struggles of a nation of people scattered across the earth
Your people, who have felt oppression, racism, hatred and scorn
Whose only transgression was their place of birth
Though the hurt is not forgotten, the healing has begun.
Kyrie eleison
Lawd hammercy
Dies Irae
We have witnessed your goodness in the fruition
Of the dreams deferred in a multi-hued world
As told to Martin and Daniel and other possessors of cognition
For You are our rock and we cherish Your unfailing love
Infuse in us strength to carry the torch forward.
The victory of this day is not an end to the struggle
Not just one only is charged to keep on keeping on
It is for everyone to let our hearts be troubled
And to help all who you appointed get the job done
Thank you Lord for all the
Christi eleison
Christ hammercy
Pie Jesu
O sweet Lord Jesus, grant
Grant them everlasting rest.
Kyrie elesion
Lawd hammercy
Libera me
Liberate me to continue through this discontent of summer tears
Open my eyes to the plane of dignity, discipline and my soul force
Let me seek the satisfaction of justice that rolls down like the waters
Show me the righteousness that flows like a mighty stream source
Let us know Oh Lord that our dream is an American dream
We don’t want to be brooding over what’s behind, or looking dejectedly down
When the next four years have gone and from this day we have passed
Liberate me to look into the future, shouting out grateful and loud
Free at last, free at last, Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.
Grant Adams eternal rest Abba Father, may your everlasting shine
Not only on
For you are merciful and just in your own time.
Help us to keep our faith, help us to do our part.
So it was written, so it was uttered, so it be done.
One More Time

I sat apart from you on the bench
Knowing that you were going away
Everything felt green, forest green
The air, the wood, the taste in my mouth
The butterfly’s colors faded into immaturity
A seedling unsprouted from the lack of sun
Lay dry and unplanted on the sidewalk
Brown, so very brown and wrinkled
You talked or at least your mouth kept moving
The words stretched out into a sad whisper
Wrapping itself around the blades of grass
Nudging up through fun summer sandals
I wiggled my toes to dislodge the nouns
Slowly pushing away the verbs and adjectives
So the nail polish wouldn’t get smeared
On my red, vibrantly cherry red toenails
The wind played in the loose hair at my ear
Blocking out unpleasant sounds and noises
Of anything that I didn’t want to hear
Like how you were leaving for my sake
But the breeze took the s and left only ake
Winding shhh’s through the collar
Of the crisp white cotton of my shirt
A dozen buttons, 12, all lined up
Patiently I had been waiting for yellow roses
For the postman to deliver desire
Leaving it wrapped in brown craft paper
With a notecard like all florist do
Lying in wait for me after a long day’s toil
Verdant glossy leaves spelling words
Connected to strings controlling
The rise of the sun, warm morning sky
I felt you touch my hand imploring me
To meet your eyes and to understand
Though I could only see that weathers
Had begun to change to less sunny blues
The clouds in the sky darkened pregnant
Rain captured above snow white crests
Released as crystalline tears on hard ground
My heart has done it to me one more time
Friday, June 11, 2010
Fisher of Men

Drum sound
Drum beat
Beat rhythm
Beat time
Time passed
Time measured
Measured years
Measured striped
Striped fields
Striped back
Back beating
Back biting
Biting tongues
Biting hands
Hands clenched
Hands free
Mason builds
Mason casts
Casts fears
Casts net
Nets sifted
Sifted boys
Sifted men
Man molded
Man made
Made aware
Made honorable
Honorable talents
Honorable life
Life forsaken
Life redeemed
Redeemed purpose
Redeemed pride
Pride of lions
Pride of faith
Faith upheld
Faith believed
Believed strong
Believed passed
Passed lessons
Passed code
Code of men
Code of the fisher
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Coconut Bunny Cake
growing up on concrete pads in big cities
going to neighborhood schools under
eyes of neighbors who kept watch
eyes of aunts who kept us clean
eyes of the bricks counting cadence
so we were never late to school
3rd grade is big year for little black girls
living in poor walkup stone apartments
with so very many gypsy children
playing in vacant lots of cut glass
playing under blankets in bedrooms
playing in the high heel shoes of mothers
pretending to be like the white Barbie
3rd grade is a big year for little black girls
struggling to believe nappy hair is beautiful
hoping to believe in the after school specials
to believe that Officer Friendly made us safe
to believe that pink skates made us cool
to believe we could be more than Julia on TV
3rd grade is a big year for little black girls
when you are an oddball for being smart
when you have to be tough to make it
and you are picked to bring cupcakes
and your mother brings a store bought cake
and you know you are her little black girl
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Walled dreams

Bright lights
Bright promises
Promises futures
Promises days
Days to wait
Days to dream
Dreams realized
Dreams inspired
Inspired blindness
Inspired vision
Vision of past
Vision of future
Future of elders
Future of youth
Youth complain
Youth contained
Contained in ghettos
Contained in mountains
Mountains have aged
Mountains give way
Way to rebar
Way to structure
Structure of laws
Structure of lands
Land divided
Land eroded
Eroded hopes
Eroded dollar
Dollar to spend
Dollar to save
Save the building fund
Save my soul
Soul cries out
Soul dies out
Out to pasture
Out to lunch
Lunch time paid
Lunch time taken
Taken to eat
Taken to smoke
Smoke cigarettes
Smoke weed
Weed grows in dirt
Weed grows in concrete
Concrete walled
Concrete dreams
Through the looking glass

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Of mothers and grandmothers
Aunts and sisters
Nurtured in the belly of hands
Palms to palms held close
Inter-joined and together
Touching hearts and souls
Becoming one with the world
Born of prayer, of God
A desire for us
In that we can ever continue
To be raised up in the image of love
Before your name was spoken
I knew that you would be called to me
A legacy provided at the dawn
I never understood how my mother
Felt about the birth of your father
Until now
When I look to the east for your arrival
Like the anticipation of the sunrise
After a restless night’s turning
My hands await the curve of your fingers
I want to hold your soft face against mine
I want to smell of your innocence
And kiss the top of your head
To feel your little heart beat rapidly
As if you are in a hurry to grow up
And yet I would not have you afraid
To Live Good
To experience all that life has to offer
The exceptional, the bad, the tiresome
I want you to know the people I love
So I will endlessly tell you stories
While you sleep in my arms, on my lap
And often beside me in church
I will give you poetry, my words
And even though I cannot sing
We will raise the rafters in voices
We will call out prayers
And yes, the humming jones
For happy has its own unique sound
It is the sound of God
It is the sound of family
It is the sound of me
Saying I will love you always.